First blog post

This is the excerpt for your very first post.

educationMy very first post, just like the image suggests – Yes its all about Education.  I am trying to make sense of it all, just like a whole lot of you out there ( I know there are over a million of us). I am attempting to word my concerns and learning from over time (have been an Education Consultant for last 13 years). I do not by any means claim to be an authority on any thing, yet want to share what I have learnt , pretty much through the students that I have met and counselled over the past decade and more.

As an Education Consultant if there is one thing that I have learnt is this – giving direction to a student is like standing at a distance and giving instructions on how to ride a bicycle. As parents, the instructions may vary, the Outcome is much the same. OUTCOME: They listen, they concentrate and they almost look as if it is making sense to them and then…. well they take a few falls all the same.

Sounds like life, does it not?

What worries me the most is when the students feel that I have the powers (or knowledge) to give them the Right direction. A direction that, like Red Bull, shall give them the desired Wings. They will have the best education, then a job with a salary that runs into 6 figures, a House with a swimming pool so on so forth.

Well to say the least, I can do no such thing, I am still looking for the Magic Wand that make these wishes come true. While I look for them, you will have to follow the traditional methodology of Success.

What I can and will attempt to do, is help you identify some of the paths, that have proven to be more successful if pursued with conviction. What I will, however, do before that is to tell you to not listen to me. Perplexed?

To say anything with authority about anything is based on

  1. my understanding ( my up bringing, education etc)
  2. my intelligence (can be questioned),
  3. my circumstances (variable)
  4. my priorities ( it could very well be my business )


So hang on in here and I will help you to take a decision based on YOU – Your Own Understanding and take a path best suited to you!!

Read on!!